Welcome to learninglounge.com

learninglounge.com is a place for learning online.

People can access tailored training resources where and when it suits them: on-campus, on-site, on the sofa.

At learninglounge.com we keep things really simple, login - play - learn.

Is learninglounge.com for me?

learninglounge.com is for individuals and organisations that want to use the Internet for effective, cost efficient training and study.

Our subscribers range from indivdual users, to world wide organisations with 1000s of users over multiple sites.

learninglounge.com is also used by colleges and training centres across the UK as a teaching aid in-class and as an additional source of reference for learners.

What is the learninglounge.com learning experience like?

learninglounge.com training content ranges from video presentations to interactive activities.

Training resources can be freely browsed by learners or, for a more prescriptive approach, learners can be organised into workgroups and assigned online assignments to complete. Each user builds up their unique learning record as they complete the content.

learninglounge.com offers customised online learning to suit corporate, educational, and commercial requirements.

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